Variant design

Comprehensive digital product creation for leading companies across the majority of industries.

We blend strategy, customer experience and development to deliver impactful digital products.

Case study picture UX design, design sprint


UX design, design sprint

Case study picture Brand Identity, UX design, UX research


Brand Identity, UX design, UX research


Variant is a global independent design & development studio. We mix technologies and experiences to go beyond what’s expected. Our agile, prototype based approach is perfect for developing great customer experiences in less time. We strive to become valuable additions to our clients’ teams by providing innovative development services.

Project management services for the best project performance.

Project management

Software projects are often full of unexpected events. By assigning roles, timelines and responsibilities, we ensure a more efficient project development. Our team is usually able to reduce development time by 30% or more. We recommend our project management service for every new software project. We are also able to integrate our services within the Client's management framework.

Strategic analysis

We can help the client understand if the requested serviceis the best solution to the Company's strategic problem. The process includes auditing the products or services, checking the technical specifications, evaluating the cost/benefit ratio, and benchmarking against several alternatives. This preliminary step ensures that no energy is wasted on ineffective or incomplete solutions.

Feasibility studies

Any successful project starts with a clear idea of the scope. The lack of a strong technical analysis is the #1 reason for projects to exceed their expected budget. Our team will evaluate the technical feasibility of the project. Upon request, we can also create detailed technical specifications. Finally, we can assist the Company while collaborating with third-party software development teams.

Cost & time analysis

Starting from the technical specifications, our team will deliver reliable estimates of the cost of the project and the expected time of completion. We can also help the client evaluate third parties business proposals.

Operational plans

Software development projects are complicated. Unexpected events and unknown factors are very common. A proper operational plan must be able to anticipate any problem to keep the project on time and on budget. We can help your team with a reliable timeline based on our experience and industry best practices. The service includes the creation of an operational plan and a service level agreement document.

Web development handoff

The translation of the design output to actual software is the most critical point of a project. Designers and developers are not able to communicate properly due to differences in culture and skills. Some of the most problematic areas are: responsive design, interactions, animations, technical feasibility of the CSS and Javascript code. We developed a strong process to ensure a proper handover from the designers to the development team.

Robust deploy strategies for any application.

CD/CI strategy

Modern web applications require continuous updates. In addition to that, critical error corrections may need to go online as fast as possible. Delivery operations are critical for the project success, but they are often a new source of technical problems. A solid CD/CI strategy automates the delivery pipeline to make it faster, more efficient and more secure.

CD/CI pipeline

CD/CI pipeline creation. This service creates an automated delivery pipeline based on the CD/CI strategy analysis.

Server infrastructure

Server infrastructure mistakes can be extremely expensive. The wrong server environment could increase the costs tenfold, or jeopardize application availability. We help the Client set up the server infrastructure according to strong industry standards.

Integration testing

Integration testing combines several application parts and tests them as a whole. It is useful to test the compliance of the software with the specified requirements. Our testing pipeline is completely automated. We offer integration testing as a standalone service, or as part of a full CD/CI strategy.

Unit testing

Unit testing is a software testing strategy in which every part of the application is tested in isolation. Unit testing breaks complex software into simple pieces, making the testing phase faster and easier. We offer unit testing as a standalone service, or as part of a full CD/CI strategy.

High priority service

A dedicated team of experts that can support your time-sensitive applications. We offer a rapid response service for project deployments, urgent bug fixing and mission critical operations.

We work together with you SEO agency to improve the SEO performance.

SEO handoff

Communication between SEO consultants and developers is mission-critical. Failing to implement the SEO guidelines will result in subpar marketing results. Before the development phase, we interact with the SEO team to ensure that every SEO directive is technically feasible.

SEO performance tuning

The loading time and the quality of the user experience are among the most important metrics for SEO success. After doing a complete performance audit, we will implement several best practises to optimize the website performance: cache, script compression, CSS minification, code optimization, image compression, server optimization, user experience optimization.

SEO oriented web development

Many agencies develop a generic website and then try to optimize it afterward. Instead, we work together with the SEO team to create the best SEO experience from the start. Our approach brings better results within a shorter timeline.

An award winning web design team at your service.

Custom web design

The corporate website is the main proprietary marketing channel for any brand. Our award winning team can create fast, SEO-optimized custom websites. We will delight your users with a high level customer experience, helping you to achieve better marketing results.

Ecommerce development

The success of an e-commerce depends on many factors. The website must be fast, have an effective user experience, and convey instant trust. We create custom e-commerce experiences on all major platforms (Magento, Shopify, Woocommerce, etc.). Our team will take care of payment getaways and cookies management as well.

Web site restyling

A website restyling is different from a regular website design. Designers must be aware of any previous content strategy. If the implementation is not correct, SEO results and marketing strategies may suffer as a result. Our team will assess the situation and create a migration plan to ensure optimal results.

Custom WordPress development

WordPress is the most popular CMS (content management system) on the web. It's by far the easiest to use and update for the Client. WordPress is often associated with simple sites or blogs, but our team has the skills to create very advanced websites. Our development is 100% custom.

Enterprise development

Our team is experienced in developing enterprise platforms such as Sitecore, Drupal and Magento. We are also able to create custom CMS platforms for advanced applications.

We protect your systems from any kind of attack.

Security and maintenance programs

Our maintenance and security program is the easiest way to keep your website secure and up to date. Our team will prevent incidents, keep the system up to date, and react quickly to fix critical bugs. The program includes: cybersecurity, frequent backups, system updates, 24/7 monitoring and a fixed amount of time dedicated to consulting and maintenance.

Security audit

The security audit service is a complete check of the system security. After an extensive set of tests, we will provide a complete vulnerability report. We also help you to secure the system by providing operational guidelines.

Security hardening

This service is often requested after a security audit. After a set of tests, our team will proceed to secure the system according to strong best practices. We will also offer custom cyber security training for your IT department.

Cookie & privacy audit

The management of personal data is a critical part of the corporate strategy. The potential consequences of data mismanagement are too dire to be ignored. Compliance with international law can be difficult if the Company doesn't have a dedicated team. We can help the Company by auditing the use of personal data and developing strong cookie/privacy management practices.

Disaster recovery

A rapid response team will help your Company repairing the system after serious incidents or attacks. Our team will try to recover lost data and fix critical problems to get online as fast as possible.

A seasoned team of software developers at your service.

Full stack web development

Custom web application development services developed with state of the art technologies. We design every aspect of the application; from the customer experience to the server architecture. Our team adopts an agile approach to minimize production time and budget.

Web app development

We design and develop advanced web applications using state of the art technologies. Thanks to our flexible, agile approach, we can develop better experiences in less time.

Mobile apps

Development of apps on mobile phones, tablets and smartwatches. We will follow your team from the development phase to the review & app publication process.

ERP development

Developing ERP systems is a long-term commitment that requires deep insights into complex ecosystems. Our senior development team can help your organization create advanced ERP software, or manage existing projects.

Database design

Scalable applications require an adequate database design. The database structure cannot change once the project is online. Getting the database right is critical to the project success. An optimal database design allow us to prevent bottlenecks and avoid structural limitations to the evolution of the project.

Integration between services is the key to operations success.

Web service development

We can help your team create webservices and application user interfaces. Our process includes feasibility analysis, consultancy, development and testing.

API integration

Integration service for external API and web services. The intervention is planned and executed according to the specific needs of the project.


Design of applications based on microservices. The microservice architecture allows your organization to develop complex ecosystem with minimal complexity. Microservices are easy to maintain, scalable and modular.

Codeless apps

We use tools like Zapier to integrate different systems and create codeless applications. Zapier is perfect for developing robust applications quickly. Codeless apps are perfect for prototyping complex applications with minimal effort.

State of the art interactive experiences.


Augmented reality and virtual reality offer great opportunities in sales, branding and marketing. However, creating effective applications requires the perfect combination of technology and user experience. We are experts in creating AR and VR-based applications. We provide comprehensive advice on customer experience and technical implementations.


The development of applications in the metaverse consists in the creation of assets and other interactive elements. Virtual objects can represent simple objects, games, experiences or infrastructures, but there is no limitation to the type of assets that can be created in the metaverse.

Internet of things (IOT)

The Internet of Things is made of sensors, processors and applications that interact on the Internet through specialized network protocols. Our team can create intelligent sensors, industrial automation systems, or "lifestyle" products with high added value, such as smart appliances.

Industry 4.0

New technologies, such as IOT or artificial intelligence, can increase the productivity of industrial systems exponentially . We provide comprehensive advice on mapping the innovation opportunities offered by industry 4.0. We can also build innovative IOT projects.

Chatbot development

Intelligent chatbots allow for richer and more interactive experiences for the end user. At the same time, chatbots can reduce the time that the staff must dedicate to customer support.

Interactive installations

Interactive installations capture interest and generate highly interactive experiences. They can be used in fairs, events, points of sale, museums, or exhibitions. They often include augmented reality or virtual reality elements, interactions with the surrounding environment, virtual tours, or the use of advanced features of mobile devices.

Innovative services for forward-thinking companies.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are now very common in almost any industry. We can help your team leverage AI to analyze large amounts of data, create intelligent interfaces, or build autonomous systems. We offer comprehensive advice on the implementation of AI and machine learning systems.

Blockchain development

Blockchain is a decentralized technology often associated with the financial sector. However, the number of potential applications is incredibly high. We can develop permission systems, marketplaces, decentralized IT systems, or networks that are resilient to incidents. Our team of software developers can help your company harness the potential of the blockchain technology.


The fintech sector is among the most vital in terms of innovation. We provide advice on the development of both centralized (traditional) and decentralized (blockchain-based) fintech projects.

NFT development

NFTs constitute an exciting opportunity on many fronts. They can be used to boost brand recognition or to aid marketing campaigns. NFT can also be used to create decentralized systems, such as ticketing platforms or marketplaces.

Case study picture UX research, UX design, Illustration


UX research, UX design, Illustration

Case study picture UX research, UX design, design sprint


UX research, UX design, design sprint

If you’re interested in any form of collaboration, please send us an email and we’ll get back shortly.